I submitted my Dedicant Path on Friday and was pleasantly surprised when I got an email this morning already with my first review. Here is my feedback from the reviewer:
I have reviewed your Dedicant's Path submission and have the following comments.
Amber, over-all a very nice submission. There are only few changes needed
Virtues: Please include either a dictionary definition or the ADF definition along with your own thoughts please
High Days: Passes
Book Reviews: Passes - very, very nice, thank you
Home Shrine: Passes
Two Powers: Passes
Mental Discipline: Passes
Nature Efforts: Passes
High Day Rituals: Passes, but if you also listed the omens (if you still have them) that would be grand
Three Kindred: Would you also please detail what they mean in ADF in general?
Hearth Culture: Passes
Dedicant Oath: Passes
So I've spent this morning working on the few changes that I had to make, which really are not that bad. It was way less additional work than I had prepared myself for, which was awesome! It has officially been re-submitted, so we'll what happens from there. Hopefully I will soon be able to share that I am officially done with the Dedicant Path and can move forward from there.
On a secondary note, my reviewer is Drum, the Vice Arch Druid from ADF. I had the pleasure of meeting him in Topeka earlier this year and he is an incredible man. I truly believe that he is the reason that I have finally finished the Dedicant Path. Speaking with him makes a person feel like they are important and special. He made me feel like he truly cared about my success and believed in my ability to complete the Path. Last thing I wanted to do was to disappoint him. I'm thrilled and nervous as hell to have him as my reviewer. I was shocked and so pleased at the same time. Sometimes things really do happen for a reason.